import tkinter as tk from tkinter import Label, Button import time from PIL import Image, ImageTk import serial import math #-------------------------- MAIN window = tk.Tk() localtime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time. time())) window.title("Graphic User Interface for SCARA Robot in Python") window.geometry("1228x550") window.configure(background="grey91") font10 = "{Courier New} 10 normal" font11 = "{U.S. 101} 30 bold" font12 = "{Al Aramco} 17" font13 = "{Courier New} 10 bold" font14 = "{Segoe UI} 15 bold" font15 = "{Arial 13} bold" font16 = "{Segoe UI} 13 bold" myPort = serial.Serial('com8',9600) SliderVar1 = tk.IntVar() # SliderVar1.get() SliderVar1.set() SliderVar2 = tk.IntVar() # SliderVar2.get() SliderVar3 = tk.IntVar() # SliderVar3.get() SliderVarZ = tk.IntVar() # SliderVarZ.get() # Z Achse EntryVarSpeed = tk.StringVar() EntryVarAcceleration = tk.StringVar() gripperValue = tk.IntVar() myVarx = tk.IntVar() theta1=0 def print_value2(event): print("Scale {}".format(SliderVar1.get())) # MAIN draw __ config ___________# #SliderVar1 = tk.IntVar() # wie ich das 0 setze, oder ist automatisch SliderVar1.set(0)#SliderVar1.set(0) SliderVar2.set(0)# int SliderVar2 = 0 SliderVar3.set(100)# int SliderVar3 = 0 SliderVarZ.set(180)# int SliderVarZ = 180 # int j1JogValue = 0 # int j2JogValue = 0 # int j3JogValue = 0 # int zJogValue = 0 EntryVarSpeed.set(500)# int speedSlider = 500 EntryVarAcceleration.set(500)# int accelerationSlider = 500 gripperValue.set(110) # int gripperValue = 180 gripperAdd=180 positionsCounter = 0 saveStatus = 0 runStatus = 0 slider1Previous = 0 slider2Previous = 0 slider3Previous = 0 sliderzPrevious = 100 speedSliderPrevious = 500 accelerationSliderPrevious = 500 gripperValuePrevious = 100 activeIK = False EntryVar_xP = tk.IntVar() EntryVar_yP = tk.IntVar() EntryVar_zP = tk.IntVar() #xP = tk.StringVar() #yP = tk.StringVar() #zP = tk.StringVar() EntryVar_xP.set(365) EntryVar_yP.set(0) # int yP=0; EntryVar_zP.set(100) # int zP=100; floatL1 = 228 # L1 = 228mm # DoubleVar floatL2 = 136.5 # L2 = 136.5mm #theta1, theta2, phi, z # float, braucht man nicht für spätere Berechnung initialisieren #String[] positions = new String[100] #braucht man nicht initialisieren # String data #braucht man nicht initialisieren Data=1 Data1=2 data=(b'1') #-------------------------- IF BEDINGUNGEN def forwardKinematics(): print(Data) def updateData(): print(Data) # println(data) # ne flagge als integer intVar saveStatus = 0 #keep savePosition variable 0 or false.See, when button SAVE pressed it makes the value 1, which indicates to store the value in the arduino code # # If slider moved, calculate new position of X, Y and Z with forward kinematics SliderVar1.set(30) if (slider1Previous != SliderVar1.get()): #.get() if (activeIK == False): # Check whether the inverseKinematics mode is active, theta1 = round(SliderVar1.get(), 2) theta2 = round(SliderVar2.get(), 2) # Execute Forward kinematics only if inverseKinematics mode is off or false forwardKinematics() myPort.write(data) print(theta1) print("theta1") ## theta1 = round(cp5.getController("SliderVar1").getValue()) # get the value from the slider1 # theta2 = round(cp5.getController("SliderVar2").getValue()) # # slider1Previous = SliderVar1 # aehnliches wie bei slider .get() if (slider2Previous != SliderVar2.get()): if (activeIK == False): # Check whether the inverseKinematics mode is active, Executre Forward kinematics only if inverseKinematics mode is off or false theta1 = round(SliderVar1.get(), 2) theta2 = round(SliderVar2.get(), 2) forwardKinematics() myPort.write(data) # # slider2Previous = SliderVar2 # if (slider3Previous != SliderVar3.get()): if (activeIK == False): # Check whether the inverseKinematics mode is active, Execute Forward kinematics only if inverseKinematics mode is off or false theta1 = round(SliderVar1.get(), 2) #get the value from the slider1 theta2 = round(SliderVar2.get(), 2) forwardKinematics() myPort.write(data) slider3Previous = SliderVar3 if (sliderzPrevious != SliderVarZ): if (activeIK == False): # Check whether the inverseKinematics mode is active, Executre fwd kin. only if inverseKin. mode is off or false zP = round(SliderVarZ.get(), 2) myPort.write(data) # # sliderzPrevious = SliderVarZ #wie acke ich das in neue variable wenn ich wert im slider ändere? # if (gripperValuePrevious != gripperValue): # neuer Wert ist nicht gleich alter Wert? if (activeIK == False): # Check whether the inverseKinematics mode is active, Execute Forward kinematics only if inverseKinematics mode is off or false gripperAdd = round(gripperValue.get(), 0) # == ist == 0? gripperValue = gripperAdd + 50 updateData() # myVarx.set(NeuerWert) # print(data) myPort.write(data) # gripperValuePrevious = gripperValue activeIK = False # deactivate inverseKinematics so the above if statements can be executed the next interation # # #-------------------------- FUNCTIONS # # text just writes something onscreen analog to label bsp textSize(32); # text("word", 10, 30); # fill(0, 102, 153); # if (positionsCounter > 0) # wie laasse eine variable in label anzeigen, die ich ausrechne in Tk set.TextVar # text(positions[positionsCounter-1], 460, 630) # text("Last saved position: No."+(positionsCounter-1), 460, 600) # else # text("Last saved position:", 460, 600) # text("None", 460, 630); # text(positions[positionsCounter-1], 460, 630) # text("Last saved position: No."+(positionsCounter-1), 460, 600) # else # text("Last saved position:", 460, 600) # text("None", 460, 630); # # # FORWARD KINEMATICS # def void forwardKinematics() # float theta1F = theta1 * PI / 180 # degree to radians # float variable # float theta2F = theta2 * PI / 180 # xP = round(L1 * cos(theta1F) + L2 * cos(theta1F + theta2F)) # round gibts bei Tk? # yP = round(L1 * sin(theta1F) + L2 * sin(theta1F + theta2F)) # def void forwardKinematics() # float theta1F = theta1 * PI / 180 # degree to radians # float variable # float theta2F = theta2 * PI / 180 # xP = round(L1 * cos(theta1F) + L2 * cos(theta1F + theta2F)) # round gibts bei Tk? # yP = round(L1 * sin(theta1F) + L2 * sin(theta1F + theta2F)) # # # INVERSE KINEMATICS # def void inverseKinematics(float x, floaty) # theta2 = acos((sq(x) + sq(y) - sq(L1) - sq(L2)) / (2 * L1 * L2)) # if (x < 0 & y < 0) # theta2 = (-1) * theta2 # # theta1 = atan(x / y) - atan((L2 * sin(theta2)) / (L1 + L2 * cos(theta2))) # theta2 = (-1) * theta2 * 180 / PI # theta1 = theta1 * 180 / PI # # # Angles adjustment depending in which quadrant the final tool coordinate x, y is # if (x >= 0 & y >= 0) # 1st quadrant # theta1 = 90 - theta1 # if (x < 0 & y > 0) # 2nd quadrant # theta1 = 90 - theta1 # if (x < 0 & y < 0) #3d quadrant # theta1 = 270 - theta1 # phi = 270 - theta1 - theta2 # phi = (-1) * phi # # if (x > 0 & y < 0) {// 4th quadrant # theta1 = -90 - theta1; # # if (x < 0 & y == 0) { # theta1 = 270 + theta1; # # # # Calculate "phi" angle so gripper is parallel to the X axis # phi = 90 + theta1 + theta2; # phi = (-1) * phi; # # # Angle adjustment depending in which quadrant the final tool coordinate x, y is x=-1 y=-1 pi=math.pi if (x < 0 & y < 0): #3d quadrant pi = 270 - theta1 - theta2 if (abs(3.14) > 165): pi = 180 + phi # # theta1 = round(theta1) # theta2 = round(theta2) # phi = round(phi) #SliderVar1.set(theta1) #SliderVar1 = tk.IntVar(theta1) #getController("SliderVar1").setValue(theta1) #SliderVar1.set(0) #getController("SliderVar2").setValue(theta2) #getController("SliderVar3").setValue(phi) #getController("SliderVarZ").setValue(zP) # def void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) # if (theEvent.isController()) # print(theEvent.getController().getName()); # # def global void xTextfield(String theText): #public # # If we enter a value into the Textfield, read the value, convert to integer, set the inverseKinematics mode active # xP = Integer.parseInt(theText) # activeIK = true # inverseKinematics(xP, yP) # Use inverse kinematics to calculate the J1(theta1), J2(theta2), and J3(phi) positions # # activeIK = false; # print("Test; theta1: " + theta1 + " theta2: " + theta2); # # def global void yTextfield(String theText) # yP = Integer.parseInt(theText) # activeIK = true # inverseKinematics(xP, yP) # # activeIK = false; # # def public void zTextfield(String theText) # zP = Integer.parseInt(theText) # activeIK = true # inverseKinematics(xP, yP) # # # public void j1JogMinus() # intVar a = round(cp5.getController("SliderVar1").getValue()) # a = a - j1JogValue # getController("SliderVar1").setValue(a) # # # J1 control # def public void j1JogPlus() # intVar a = round(cp5.getController("SliderVar1").getValue()) # a = a + j1JogValue # getController("SliderVar1").setValue(a) # # # J2 control # def public void j2JogMinus() # intVar a = round(cp5.getController("SliderVar2").getValue()); # a = a - j2JogValue # getController("SliderVar2").setValue(a) # # def public void j2JogPlus() # intVar a = round(cp5.getController("SliderVar2").getValue()) # a = a + j2JogValue # getController("SliderVar2").setValue(a) # # # J3 control public # def void j3JogMinus() # int a = round(cp5.getController("SliderVar3").getValue()) # a = a - j3JogValue # getController("SliderVar3").setValue(a) # # def public void j3JogPlus() # int a = round(cp5.getController("SliderVar3").getValue()) # a = a + j3JogValue # getController("SliderVar3").setValue(a) # # # J3 control # def public void zJogMinus() # int a = round(cp5.getController("SliderVarZ").getValue()) # a = a - zJogValue # getController("SliderVarZ").setValue(a) # # def public void zJogPlus() # int a = round(cp5.getController("SliderVarZ").getValue()) # a = a + zJogValue # getController("SliderVarZ").setValue(a) # def move(): myPort.write(data) print(data) i=0 def savePosition(): #public # Save the J1, J2, J3 and Z position in the array ############################ positions[i] = "J1=" + str(SliderVar1.get()) +", J2=" + str(SliderVar2.get()) +", J3=" + str(SliderVar3.get()) +", Z=" + str(SliderVarZ.get()) i+=1 # saveStatus = 1 # updateData() # myPort.write(data) # saveStatus = 0 # # # def public void run() # if (runStatus == 0) # getController("run").setCaptionLabel("STOP") # getController("run").setColorLabel( # e74c3c) # runStatus = 1 # else if (runStatus == 1) # runStatus = 0 # getController("run").setCaptionLabel("RUN PROGRAM") # getController("run").setColorLabel(255) # updateData() # myPort.write(data) # def public void updateSA() # myPort.write(data) # # def public void clearSteps() # saveStatus = 2 # clear all steps / program # updateData() # myPort.write(data) # println("Clear: " + data) # positionsCounter = 0 # saveStatus = 0 # def updateData(): data = str(saveStatus) + "," + str(runStatus) + "," + str(SliderVar1.get()) + "," + str(SliderVar2.get()) + "," + str(SliderVar3.get()) + "," + str(SliderVarZ.get()) + "," + str(gripperValue) + "," + str(speedSlider) + "," + str(accelerationSlider) # Sie koennen mithilfe von F-Strings auch, there is programming ghost inside me. # Y = 50 # f'{Y},{X} # oder f"{X},{Y}" # _______ Kopfzeile: Info Robot mit Ueberschrift und Zeit__________# #label_b = tk.Label(text="Label B", bg="orange") opts = { 'ipadx': 0, 'ipady': 0 , 'sticky': 'nesw' } # #label_b.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=20, **opts) #label_d.grid(row=3, column=0, rowspan=4, **opts) # ______ Label Robot - row 0 + row 1________# Label0 = tk.Label(text='SCARA Robot Control', background="grey91", font=font11, foreground="#091833") Label0.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=120, **opts) Label1 = Label(text=localtime, background="grey91", font=font16, fg="steel blue") Label1.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=120, **opts) Fwd_Kin = tk.Frame(window) Fwd_Kin.grid(row=2, column=0) Label2 = tk.Label(master=Fwd_Kin, text='Forward Kinematics:', background="grey91", font=font14, foreground="#091833") Label2.grid(row=2, column=0, **opts) Label3 = tk.Label(master=Fwd_Kin, text='J1:', background="grey91", font=font12, foreground="#091833") Label3.grid(row=3, column=0, **opts) Label4 = tk.Label(master=Fwd_Kin, text='J2:', background="grey91", font=font12, foreground="#091833") Label4.grid(row=4, column=0, **opts) Label5 = tk.Label(master=Fwd_Kin, text='J3:', background="grey91", font=font12, foreground="#091833") Label5.grid(row=5, column=0, **opts) Label6 = tk.Label(master=Fwd_Kin, text='Z', background="grey91", font=font12, foreground="#091833") Label6.grid(row=6, column=0, **opts) Slider1_4 = tk.Scale(master=Fwd_Kin, from_=0, to=200, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, variable=SliderVar1, command=print_value2)# variable=myVar1, command=print_value1(myVar1)) Slider1_4.grid(row=3, column=2, **opts) #columnspan=30 Slider1_5 = tk.Scale(master=Fwd_Kin, from_=0, to=200, variable=SliderVar2, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL)# variable=myVar1, command=print_value1(myVar1)) Slider1_5.grid(row=4, column=2, **opts) Slider1_6 = tk.Scale(master=Fwd_Kin, from_=0, to=200, variable=SliderVar3, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL)# variable=myVar1, command=print_value1(myVar1)) Slider1_6.grid(row=5, column=2, **opts) Slider1_7 = tk.Scale(master=Fwd_Kin, from_=0, to=200, variable=SliderVarZ, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL)# variable=myVar1, command=print_value1(myVar1)) Slider1_7.grid(row=6, column=2, **opts) # # ______ Label Robot - Sauele 2________# Inv_Kin = tk.Frame(window) Inv_Kin.grid(row=2, column=1) #-------------Inversed Kinematics---------------------- Label20 = tk.Label(master=Inv_Kin, text='Inversed Kinematics:', width= 30, background="grey91", font=font14, foreground="#091833") Label20.grid(row=2, column=0) #ipadx=5, ipady=5 entry1 = tk.Entry(master=Inv_Kin, width=4, background="grey91", textvariable=EntryVar_xP, font=font14, foreground="#091833") entry1.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky="w") entry2 = tk.Entry(master=Inv_Kin, width=4, background="grey91", textvariable=EntryVar_yP, font=font14, foreground="#091833") entry2.grid(row=3, column=0, ipadx=4, sticky="n") entry3 = tk.Entry(master=Inv_Kin, width=4, background="grey91", textvariable=EntryVar_zP, font=font14, foreground="#091833") entry3.grid(row=3, column=0, ipadx=2, sticky="e") Label21 = tk.Label(master=Inv_Kin, text='X:', font=font14, foreground="#091833") Label21.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky="w", ipadx=5, ipady=5) #ipadx=5, ipady=5 ok1_button = tk.Button(master=Inv_Kin, text="OK", font=font13) ok1_button.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=50, ipady=0, sticky="nw") # pack all your widgets Label22 = tk.Label(master=Inv_Kin, text='Y:', font=font14, foreground="#091833") Label22.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky="n", ipadx=60, ipady=0) #ipadx=5, ipady=5 ok2_button = tk.Button(master=Inv_Kin, text="OK", font=font13) ok2_button.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=130, ipady=0, sticky="e") # pack all your widgets Label23 = tk.Label(master=Inv_Kin, text='Z:', font=font14, foreground="#091833") Label23.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky="e", ipadx=30, pady=0) #ipadx=5, ipady=5 ok3_button = tk.Button(master=Inv_Kin, text="OK", font=font13) ok3_button.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=55, ipady=0, sticky="ne") # pack all your widgets move_button = tk.Button(master=Inv_Kin, text="MOVE TO POSITION", font=font14) move_button.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky="n") # pack all your widgets Label24 = tk.Label(master=Inv_Kin, text='Gripper', background="grey91", font=font14, foreground="#091833") Label24.grid(row=6, column=0, sticky="n") #ipadx=5, ipady=5 Label25 = tk.Label(master=Inv_Kin, text='close', font=font13, foreground="#091833") Label25.grid(row=7, column=0, sticky="w") #ipadx=5, ipady=5 Slider2_1 = tk.Scale(master=Inv_Kin, from_=0, to= 200, variable=gripperValue, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL)# variable=myVar1, command=print_value1(myVar1)) Slider2_1.grid(row=7, column=0, ipadx=4, sticky="n") Label26 = tk.Label(master=Inv_Kin, text='open', font=font13, foreground="#091833") Label26.grid(row=7, column=0, ipadx=2, sticky="e") #ipadx=5, ipady=5 save_button = tk.Button(master=Inv_Kin, text="SAVE POS.", font=font13) save_button.grid(row=8, column=0, sticky="w") # pack all your widgets run_button = tk.Button(master=Inv_Kin, text="RUN PROGRAM", font=font13) run_button.grid(row=8, column=0, sticky="e") # pack all your widgets Label27 = tk.Label(master=Inv_Kin, text='last saved position:', font=font13, foreground="#091833") Label27.grid(row=9, column=0, ipadx=2, sticky="w") #ipadx=5, ipady=5 clear_button = tk.Button(master=Inv_Kin, text="(CLEAR)", font=font13) clear_button.grid(row=10, column=0, sticky="w") # pack all your widgets update_button = tk.Button(master=Inv_Kin, text="(UPDATE)", font=font13) update_button.grid(row=10, column=0, sticky="e") # pack all your widgets Label28 = tk.Label(master=Inv_Kin, text='Speed', font=font13, foreground="#091833") # from_=0, to=600, Label28.grid(row=11, column=0, sticky="w") #ipadx=5, ipady=5 Label29 = tk.Label(master=Inv_Kin, text='Acceleration', font=font13, foreground="#091833") Label29.grid(row=11, column=0, ipadx=2, sticky="e") #ipadx=5, ipady=5 entry4 = tk.Entry(master=Inv_Kin, width=3, background="grey91", font=font14, textvariable=EntryVarSpeed, foreground="#091833") entry4.grid(row=12, column=0, sticky="w") entry5 = tk.Entry(master=Inv_Kin, width=3, background="grey91", font=font14, textvariable=EntryVarAcceleration, foreground="#091833") entry5.grid(row=12, column=0, ipadx=2, sticky="e") # BildFr = tk.Frame(window, highlightcolor="green", highlightbackground="red", highlightthickness=5, width=160, height=200) # BildFr.grid(row=2, column=2, padx=50, pady=0, ipadx=50, ipady=50) # car = ImageTk.PhotoImage("Documents/car.jpg")) # Image = Label(window, image=car) # Image.grid(row=2, column=2) # button_exit = Button(window, text="exit program", command=window.quit) # button_exit.grid(row=3, column=2) def exitAfterButtonpress(): #function call to set speed of motor speed_scale.config(image = car, command=window.quit) #set image to button car = ImageTk.PhotoImage("Documents/car.jpg")) speed_scale = Button(window, image=car, bg="white", relief=tk.FLAT,command = exitAfterButtonpress) #set image to button speed_scale.grid(row=2, column=2) window.mainloop()